Fuel-Trac® Status Reports

Fuel-Trac® is the best available database model of supply and demand, covering the front-end and back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle. Fuel-Trac provides the most comprehensive available reference to support customers’ business analyses, including accurate demand data, a description of supplier-buyer relationships and a picture of future uncommitted demand and business opportunities.
NAC International annually publishes Industry Status Reports, available in six bound volumes and/or as electronic files, providing information on the activities of every buyer and seller for the commodities and services in the nuclear fuel cycle.
Each status report addresses a nuclear market segment – Nuclear Generation, U3O8, UF6, Enrichment, Light Water Reactor (LWR) Fabrication, and Spent Fuel/Reprocessing – and features Country, Country Group and Worldwide Overviews.
U3O8, UF6, Enrichment and LWR Fabrication status reports provide details for:
The Nuclear Generation report features:
The Spent Fuel/Reprocessing report provides:
NAC International annually publishes Industry Status Reports, available in six bound volumes and/or as electronic files, providing information on the activities of every buyer and seller for the commodities and services in the nuclear fuel cycle.
Each status report addresses a nuclear market segment – Nuclear Generation, U3O8, UF6, Enrichment, Light Water Reactor (LWR) Fabrication, and Spent Fuel/Reprocessing – and features Country, Country Group and Worldwide Overviews.
U3O8, UF6, Enrichment and LWR Fabrication status reports provide details for:
- Utilities (requirements and contractual commitments)
- Agents (contractual commitments)
- Suppliers (capacity and contractual commitments)
The Nuclear Generation report features:
- List of all past, present, and future commercial reactors by country
- Includes generating capacity, reactor type, startup and shutdown dates, nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) vendor
The Spent Fuel/Reprocessing report provides:
- Detailed spent fuel discharges for all reactors
- Amount of uranium, plutonium in the spent fuel as well as burnup and number of assemblies discharged