Nuclear QA, Surveillance & Fabrication Oversight

NAC International’s lead auditors support and train emergent Nuclear Safety-related Quality Assurance suppliers, and established suppliers expanding their offerings.
NAC will also help identify and address gaps between commercial QA programs (e.g., ISO 9001) and safety-related QA programs. Our personnel will develop or review implementing procedures to ensure that QA program elements are appropriately satisfied. NAC is available to perform all necessary compliance reviews and audits.
Program and Procedure Development
NAC experts are available to assist customers with developing a nuclear QA program that satisfies 10 CFR 50 Appendix B requirements and complies with U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)-endorsed programs such as ANSI N45.2 and associated daughter standards, or ASME NQA-1.NAC will also help identify and address gaps between commercial QA programs (e.g., ISO 9001) and safety-related QA programs. Our personnel will develop or review implementing procedures to ensure that QA program elements are appropriately satisfied. NAC is available to perform all necessary compliance reviews and audits.
Personnel Training
NAC provides personnel training in NQA-1 and Quality Surveillance (QS) activities, including performance-based/graded approaches. Tailored to existing knowledge base and level of expertise, topics covered can include:- 10 CFR 50, Appendix B requirements and basic QA program elements
- NRC-endorsed programs (ANSI N45.2 and ASME NQA-1)
- Implementing Procedures
- Audits and Surveillance fundamentals
- Auditor expectations, checklists, and objective evidence
- Commercial Grade Item (CGI) dedication
- 10 CFR 21, Reporting of Defects and Noncompliance