Material Control & Accountability

NAC International’s Nuclear Material Control & Accountability (MC&A) services and products (including NAC Reporter®) support governments’ and companies’ materials control management, including with the design of customized accountancy systems, obligations reporting, and customers’ feasibility and implementation of safeguards initiatives.
NAC’s decades of experience in MC&A includes design, operation and maintenance of the U.S. Nuclear Materials Management & Safeguard System (NMMSS); site MC&A experience; programming and use of safeguards management software; training on compliance with and use of MC&A reporting systems; marking and handling of classified documents; and MC&A measurements and controls.
NAC has advised governments on methods to improve reporting to their state nuclear accountancy systems and has assisted foreign facilities with the development of site MC&A systems and training for state accountancy reporting.
NAC’s decades of experience in MC&A includes design, operation and maintenance of the U.S. Nuclear Materials Management & Safeguard System (NMMSS); site MC&A experience; programming and use of safeguards management software; training on compliance with and use of MC&A reporting systems; marking and handling of classified documents; and MC&A measurements and controls.
NAC experts led the U.S. Department of Energy’s implementation of the Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI), which identified proliferable materials in numerous countries and led to their safe packaging, handling and retrieval.In addition to extensive work within the U.S. government sector and with licensees with nuclear MC&A responsibilities, NAC has provided international clients with assistance building, maintaining and operating state nuclear accountancy systems; constructing Obligation Tracking system and electronic tracking for Advance Notifications to/from other countries; and analyzing reports and data supplied by other countries.
NAC has advised governments on methods to improve reporting to their state nuclear accountancy systems and has assisted foreign facilities with the development of site MC&A systems and training for state accountancy reporting.