Fuel Cycle Market & Data
NAC International’s fuel cycle services and products provide data-driven analyses and best available market information.

Fuel Cycle Consulting

NAC International offers tailored consulting services with its commercial and technical expertise across the nuclear industry, including supplier marketing strategies, buyer purchasing strategies, price projections, and fuel fabrication procurement support.
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Fuel-Trac® Status Reports

Fuel-Trac® is the best available database model of supply and demand, covering the front-end and back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle. Fuel-Trac® provides the most comprehensive available reference to support customers’ business analyses.
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Nuclear Fuel Market Issues & Insights

NAC’s flagship market report provides in-depth analysis and insights into the main issues driving the evolution of nuclear fuel markets.
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Cobalt-60 Market Issues & Insights

NAC’s report provides comprehensive analysis and current market perspectives useful to producers, purchasers, sellers, and investors in Cobalt-60 technology for medical and other industries.