The New Generation in Fuel Storage Technology
MAGNASTOR® – NAC’s Modular, Advanced Generation, Nuclear All-purpose STORage System – is the new generation for dry spent fuel storage.MAGNASTOR is the first U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)-certified ultra-high capacity multipurpose spent fuel storage technology system, capable of storing 37 Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) or 87 Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) spent fuel assemblies.
MAGNASTOR provides 16% to 30% more spent fuel storage over lower capacity systems having similar footprint and weight, making transition to MAGNASTOR cost-effective and straightforward.Drawing on NAC’s experience designing and licensing three earlier dual/multipurpose technologies, and fabricating, constructing and loading over 200 earlier Multipurpose Canister Systems (MCS), NAC developed MAGNASTOR to provide improved capacity, thermal performance, operations, and fuel coverage for the growing number of nuclear facilities requiring dry fuel storage.
NAC’s proven and broadly deployed MAGNASTOR provides 16% to 30% capacity improvement over widely used lower capacity systems and does so with similar weights and dimensions as the lower capacity systems. This makes MAGNASTOR an excellent transition option as it preserves infrastructures and foundations to minimize required site modifications.
The MAGNASTOR system incorporates unique design, fabrication and operations features, which include:
- A developed cell basket design that offers the highest spent fuel capacities and simplifies fabrication, while providing high strength and heat removal of up to 35.5 kW (for PWRs)
- A unique canister closure design that improves welding time and reduces personnel dose
- A low-profile vertical concrete cask design to improve on-site handling and site dose rates, while providing proven, simple construction operation features and maintaining robustness against beyond-design-basis threats
- A simple, proven transfer system that facilitates transfer without excessive dose or handling
- A new approach to water removal and canister drying that shortens operation times
MAGNASTOR is demonstrating NAC’s commitment to technology excellence, integrating lessons learned from earlier designs while integrating with the handling capabilities of nuclear plants requiring dry spent fuel storage.