Sam Brown Jr.
Atlanta, GA, USA

In addition, Mr. Brown has specific expertise in facility and state MC&A systems. He served as a principal engineer in the transition of the U.S. state system from a mainframe to a personal computer platform. Mr. Brown also served as the lead software engineer on the U.S. state system, responsible for controlling the changes made to software and monitoring compliance with operating procedures. He also assured the program adhered to industry software development and maintenance standards. He has substantial experience with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reporting and obligation reporting.
Mr. Brown is the creator and principal developer of NAC Reporter®, a proprietary web-based software product designed to assist governments and nuclear facilities comply with requirements for managing and reporting their nuclear material accounting activities. He has been the key technical expert leading the implementation of state and facility level versions of the NAC Reporter software product in numerous jurisdictions around the world.
Prior to joining NAC, Mr. Brown was a systems and applications specialist for Reynolds Electrical & Engineering Company, Inc. an operation and maintenance contractor for U.S. DOE’s Nevada Test Site.
Mr. Brown has a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science with a minor in Mathematics from Fort Valley State University.
Areas of Expertise
- MC&A Customized Software Design, Installation, and Support
- MC&A software functional specifications
- MC&A Training
- Nuclear Nonproliferation, Safeguards & Security support
- Obligations reporting