Paul Bailey
Oak Island, NC, USA

Mr. Paul Bailey is President of P. F. Bailey Consulting, LLC, a firm which provides support services addressing many aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle. Prior to providing industry support services, he served as manager of fuel mechanical design and performance for Duke Energy Corporation (Duke), being responsible for the fabrication oversight, analysis, deployment, and performance of nuclear fuel at the 11 nuclear units owned and operated by Duke. In his 41 years at Duke, he worked in various leadership roles including:
- Project manager of the licensing, deployment, and operational performance of MOX fuel lead assemblies at the Catawba Nuclear Station and plant modifications at Catawba Nuclear Station required for MOX fuel operation;
- Contract development for Duke fleet nuclear fuel procurement and Mixed Oxide (MOX) fuel program involving DOE and national laboratories;
- Spent fuel storage expansion programs, site specific relicensing efforts, spent fuel storage accounting, cost recovery contract and negotiation with DOE, federal high-level waste fee calculations, and fabrication oversight of spent fuel systems of multiple vendors;
- Nuclear fuel design transitions (design and vendor changes) including multiple lead test assembly programs;
- Nuclear material control & accountability program for the Duke fleet; and
- Various aspects of design, construction, and start-up of two Duke nuclear stations.
Mr. Bailey served as chairman of the Babcock and Wilcox Owners Group and led the Owners Group initiated program of improving fuel supplier/utility oversight and communication. He has been a frequent presenter at fuel vendor, spent fuel storage, and fuel related industry conferences.
He earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from North Carolina State University and a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of South Carolina. He obtained his Project Management Certificate from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Mr. Bailey is a registered Professional Engineer in the states of North and South Carolina.
Areas of Expertise
- Contract development
- Contract portfolio analysis
- DCS System Manufacturing oversight
- Expanding safety related Scope-of-Supply
- Fuel Design & Manufacture
- Fuel design change reviews
- Fuel fabrication procurement
- Fuel handling, core loading, and operational support
- Fuel Management
- Fuel manufacturing technical oversight
- Fuel rod analyses
- Government Policy evaluation and impacts
- Manufacturing quality surveillance (QS)
- New fuel design reviews / LTA's / Accident Tolerant Fuel
- Nuclear Nonproliferation, Safeguards & Security support
- Obligations reporting
- Operation & Performance
- Purchasing/marketing strategies
- QA program audits
- QA program implementing procedures
- Repository and recycling economics
- RFP and bid evaluations
- Security of supply studies
- Spent fuel examinations
- Spent fuel storage options and economics
- Thermal-hydraulics analyses