Consulting Profiles
Lithium in PWR Coolant Water Market Analysis
NAC experts presented information about the use of enriched lithium-7 in PWR coolant water; worldwide market characteristics in terms of production capacities, demand and supply; analysis of the extent to which enriched lithium-7 is used by PWR operators and how they procure the material; and analysis of which existing agreements and regulations might govern the production, sale and use of lithium-6 and lithium-7.
Possible New Sources of Uranium
NAC experts evaluated sources of uranium supply other than primary U3O8 supply that could be used to meet utilities’ future needs. Various sources related to the estimated costs and/or offers (including cost impacts related to licensing issues, special fabrication requirements, etc.) were examined and compared to expected future market prices for material and services in other relevant stages of the commercial nuclear fuel cycle.
Uranium Supply: Contenders and Pretenders
NAC experts presented detailed profiles on 37 worldwide U3O8 production centers that were in the construction or development pipeline or had begun commercial operations in early 2008. Profiles included information on technical, regulatory, political, financial, and other factors that could influence the startup of operations. NAC also provided estimated commercial production timelines, estimated summary production costs, and information on technical and operating parameters.